"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

Oscar Wilde

Thursday 18 November 2010

My Addiction

I'm back on it again, the form of musical heroin that keeps me awake at nights. It's The Cribs, the band which i will never have enough of. The title of this blog explains it all.. That underlying anger at the world which makes many a decent band into iconic figures. The thing I love the most about The Cribs (apart from the obvious great music) is the fact that they are working class. It's a silly thing iIknow, but if you're familiar with the indie scene at the moment you'll be aware of the fact that there is A LOT of well off-perfectly presented-decked out in all the Topman their artist parents could afford bands singing about.. Well not very much if I'm honest. The Cribs are my choice because they show their disdain freely for jumped-up scenesters who obviously spend about 6 hours a day in front of their bathroom mirror. They actually remind me of myself in some ways: My English teacher HATES to like me. She is part of the literary set who have nasal voices and won't read Welsh because it's not good enough for 'them'. I entered her advanced higher class and she obviously wanted me gone immediately. With my working class accent and lack of desire to enter Oxbridge higher education, she took one look at me and said 'unintelligent'. This was until she read my pieces.. Still she critiques them so much harder than the rest of the class. So I fight back, iIdo what the Cribs do.. I get better every time, just to show her that I AM smart enough to be there, I CAN show up the rest of the class and there is no way that my background affects the quality of my work, it in fact enriches it because I've got more life experience than anyone there ('born in the same expensive house they live in now, dad's a GP, mummy's a full-time housewife' children). The Cribs are my working class heroes, who inspire me to defend myself by always being better. In years to come when I meet that teacher again I'll be glad to say that however I've turned out at least i didn't get there because of my posh accent and wad of cash.. I worked fucking hard for everything i have.

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