"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

Oscar Wilde

Thursday 23 April 2015

Stop The Thieves In Charge

So, readers, it appears we have another scandal on our hands. Treasurer Mark Grundig has been caught yet again with his hands in the public coffers - only this time it's not welfare cuts, he's been siphoning off cash into his family's own hedge fund business. This news has hit the blogosphere by storm since The Guardian exposed Grundig's accused embezzlement.
How long do we have to wait before we get a government intent on helping the people, instead of some jumped-up Eton boy who's in the job for even more money?
Here's us all, working our arses off every day, paying tax, looking after our kids and even then still donating to good causes. All while our bourgeoisie leaders bail out bankers who steal from us and apparently steal from us themselves.
It's time to make a change, and at the moment it feels like we're on the verge of a revolution. Me and some of the other political bloggers here in London have decided to organise a protest outside parliament as well as a Twitter thunderclap to make those rich boy thieves really take notice.
Be there at 10am on July 10th (perhaps the MPs will be out of their beds at that time) and be sure to bring signs, banners and Anonymous masks if you have them. The plan is to make this a biggie, so tell everyone you know.
The Twitter thunderclap will be at 12pm that day. We decided not to do it earlier so that police don't get wind of our protest beforehand and move it along. The hash tag is #StopThievesInCharge so this'll be all about tweeting, retweeting and making sure this gets trending.
Together we can really make a difference and stop these people who clearly don't care about the people who they're paid to make a difference for.